Parish Communications

This Week @ St. John’s

This Week @ St. John’s comes out at the end of each week.  It contains information about the parish activities for the coming week, as well as upcoming parish and community events of interest.

Items to be submitted for inclusion in This Week at St. John’s are due by Thursday at noon for the upcoming week. 

To be added to the list for This Week @ St. John’s and other parish emails please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

The Interchange

The Interchange is St. John’s blog of articles of interest submitted by parishioners along with messages from the priest and senior warden.  It also includes critical information about what is happening in the parish, diocese and The Episcopal Church (TEC) generally.

A monthly digest of articles from The Interchange is sent to the parish email list, as well as via paper copies upon request.

Sunday Service Booklets

Service booklets are prepared for each Sunday to guide worshippers through that day’s service.  They are distributed via email along with This Week @ St. John’s and handed out each Sunday morning as worshippers arrive. 

Parish Calendar

The Parish Calendar is maintained by the Church Administrator and can be viewed below.

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Space in parish communications is limited. Editors reserve the right to edit or refuse submitted pieces.